Astrology is one of the most powerful tools available in understanding yourself and the types of people and events you attract. By examining the birth chart, which shows the planetary interaction influencing the individual, the astrologer can identify qualities and characteristics of the personality as well as life’s opportunities and challenges. Astrology as a predictive tool can answer many questions in matters of career, money, health, all types of relationships and much more.
All things are made of energy, even human beings. The energy radiated from the human body is called the energy field or the aura. The aura changes as we experience changes in our lives on the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical levels. It can be sensed and felt by most, consciously or not, but can be seen by only a few. However, there is a special camera that captures the aura radiating from an individual in all its colors. The aura reading is an interpretation of the colors the individual is emanating at the time. A printout with a detailed explanation of the individuals aura.
The analysis of an individual’s handwriting can give amazing insight into the personality. As we change and develop in childhood and throughout adulthood, so does our handwriting. With a sample of your handwriting, the reader will give the seeker important information they need to know at the time and will answer the seeker’s specific questions.
Numerology is based on the numbers in an individual’s birthday and the numbers that represent the letters in the individual’s name. From this information, the numerologist determines the life path of an individual as well as his/her strengths, weaknesses, talents and challenges. A numerologist can answer questions dealing with romance, career, health, wealth, and happiness. Readings take approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
Palmistry is a practice that analyzes the lines, wrinkles and shape of the hands. Each person’s hands are unique and represent a map to the individual’s traits, characteristics, challenges and potential. A palm reader uses all the information provided by the hands to answer the seeker’s questions.The average reading takes approximately 10 minutes.
Runes are lettered tiles that each contain a special meaning. The seeker focuses on a question while selecting a specified number of rune stones. As with the tarot cards, the placement of the runes in the reading can alter the meaning of the tile.Readings are approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
A Tarot deck consists of 78 cards which represent the seeker’s life journey. The seeker asks a question and chooses a certain number of cards for the specified layout. The reader interprets the meaning of the cards and their position in the layout to answer the seeker’s questions. Although the seeker may ask any question, the most commonly asked questions pertain to matters of love, money, career, health, children and moving.The average reading takes approximately 10 minutes.
Tea leaf reading is the art of interpreting the clusters of tea leaves formed in the tea cup. The tea leaf reader can look at the present time to add insight to the individual’s situation. The reader can also foresee the future in the patterns formed. The results are accurate and startling!
All Psychics are intended for entertainment purposes only. Readings generally last 5-10 minutes.
If you do not see the type of Psychic you are looking for just ask your sales representative.
1 comment:
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device and we are offering 4 packages
1.Your energy package
2.Crystal energy package
3.Aroma energy package
4.Touch of energy package
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